29th International Druga Godba Festival – Ljubljana, Slovenia

This year I had the opportunity to cover the 29th International Druga Godba Festival as one of their official photographers.  It was a big personal challenge as the festival lasted 29 hours non stop. 

Whole series of photos from all concerts are available at Druga Godba official facebook page

Check it out !





Synergies of Sarajevo

Synergies of Sarajevo – expressing European identity in the eyes of the Sarajevo people, is a collective artwork and is part of Sarajevo winter art festival in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

It’s an group project. Portraits are made by people who create self-portraits and tell their own stories. Also, it’s an collective project, and all people who participate in it, are mentioned as authors. The theme of the project was proposed by  Ibrahim Spahić / the director and founder of the festival. The project, tools and esthetics are developed by Bojan Brecelj.

I myself am assisting through the project both years in succession, a project in which I believe will show it’s true value in the years to come…

You can check the 2 years work at the links underneath:

Synergies of Sarajevo 2012         Synergies of Sarajevo 2013